White Collar Criminal Defense Attorney Serving Washington DC
Fighting for Clients throughout Maryland
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If you are arrested and charged with traditional white collar crime, you should know authorities do not throw such charges around lightly. These cases are hard to make, so investigators are careful to assemble as much evidence as they think they need to make the charges stick before they ask for an indictment. Under such circumstances, you must choose your legal representation carefully to make sure your defense team has the knowledge, experience and resources to challenge a determined team of state or federal prosecutors. At Brennan McKenna & Lawlor, our attorneys have more than 100 years of combined legal experience serving the people of Maryland and Washington D.C.
Schedule a free consultation about fighting the charges against you by calling (240) 219-8980 or contacting our firm online. Get in touch with a white collar criminal defense attorney in Washington DC and Maryland.
How We Fight White Collar Crime Charges
At Brennan McKenna & Lawlor, we have dealt with many high-profile, high-stakes cases of white collar crime, and we’ve been able to deliver positive results for our clients. Often, the best way to defend against charges of white collar crime is to get out in front early. You may have notice of an investigation. Authorities may question you before charges are filed. That is the time to contact an attorney and start building your defense.
We have had success in cases where we’ve engaged with investigators and offered an alternative interpretation of the facts before them. We have been able to reach settlements and resolutions that did not involve criminal charges. Of course, if you have been charged, the authorities still have a tough case to make, and immediately contacting a strong criminal defense firm is your best move.
Common Forms of Nonviolent, Economic & White Collar Crime
Traditional white collar crime refers to theft committed by someone entrusted with the care of assets using special, professional skills. However, contemporary technology has changed the landscape so substantially that the term is now applied to a wide array of nonviolent, economic crimes. Today, a person accused of a white collar crime could be a CEO, an IT specialist, or anyone with a credit card skimmer.
The types of white collar crime charges we see most frequently are these:
- Fraud: Theft by deception, which can be accomplished by various means including high-tech misappropriation of personally identifying information or identity theft. Charges depend on the amount stolen and range from 90 days in jail for stealing less than $100 to 18 months for stealing up to $1,000, and up to 15 years in prison for stealing more than $1,000. Fraud commitment by wire, telephone, or the internet can be charged federally and results in more severe penalties.
- Bribery: A crime of public corruption where one person offers a person in a position of trust an illegal inducement to act in violation of his trust but favorably to the first person’s interest. State and federal laws make it illegal to make, demand, or receive a bribe. Common reasons to offer a bribe are to secure a lucrative contract, to advance specific legislation, and to subvert justice in a court of law. Maryland Code § 9-201 makes bribery of a public employee a misdemeanor resulting in “imprisonment for not less than 2 years and not exceeding 12 years or a fine not less than $100 and not exceeding $5,000 or both.”
- Embezzlement: The crime of stealing something that you have been entrusted to oversee. The offense is generally charged when someone with access to funds and a fiduciary duty to manage them diverts the funds for personal enrichment. The penalty depends on the amount of money in question. A charge of embezzlement is career-threatening for any professional who serves in a position of trust.
- Extortion: The crime of theft by compulsion or intimidation. An extortionist obtains something to which he is not entitled by putting the victim in fear that something unpleasant will happen. Threatening to reveal a secret that will harm the victim’s reputation, cause emotional trauma, or ruin the victim financially is called blackmail. Threatening violence to the victim or someone the victim cares about, or damage to property is called a shakedown. Penalties for extortion defend on the value of the property taken. For assets valued at more than $500, the offense is a felony that can result in a fine of up to $5,000, or up to 10 years in prison, or both.
- Tax evasion: Paying less in taxes than one is legally required to pay. In some cases, people accused of tax evasion may be able to work out a settlement with the IRS without having to make an admission of guilt. However, federal authorities are very aggressive when they suspect a scheme to defraud the government, especially when money laundering seems to be involved. Penalties for tax evasion depend on the amount of money in question but can involve lengthy terms of prison as well as crushing fines.
No matter what form of white collar crime you’re charged with, our firm acts swiftly to protect your rights and represent you effectively until the charges are resolved.
Call Our Firm Today
Building an effective case depends on having enough time to strategize and working with experienced criminal defense lawyers. If you believe you may be under investigation for a white collar crime, contact a reputable defense law firm in Maryland to get started on planning your strategy.
Call (240) 219-8980 now to schedule a consultation with a white collar criminal defense attorney in Washington DC and Maryland.

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Over 100 Years of Combined Experience
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Fighting criminal charges is not something you should handle on your own. Put more than a century of experience on your side today by calling our firm and scheduling your free consultation. Our award-winning criminal defense attorneys look forward to helping you.